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Come and Join us - Visitors Welcome!

Friday Night Meetings


We meet on Friday evenings in New Wellwynd Parish Church, Wellwynd, Airdrie ML6 0AG.



7:30 - 8:00pm - Space News by one of the News Team 
8:00pm - 8:30pm - Tea Break
8:30pm - 9:30pm - Main Talk 

Observing the Night Sky


Airdrie Observatory is a fully-functioning and unique facility, and AAA are delighted to manage the facility on behalf of North Lanarkshire Council.  It is a great place to visit for all types of groups, societies and clubs and we use it throughout the year. Our dedicated Curators can provide advice, hints and tips on all manner of space-related questions. Whether you are a complete beginner or have an existing interest in astronomy, a visit to the Observatory can be a fascinating and rewarding experience.

What's on

Visit our Observing Page to find out about our observatory open nights and what you can see in the winter skies above Airdrie.

**January 2025**





Andrew Allan


Tonight we are delighted to welcome Astro photographer, Andrew Allan, to kick start our new year. Allan is a self-taught Scottish Astro photographer with a passion for the night sky. He travels around Scotland photographing dark skies and filming anything celestial from the Milky Way to moon rises and also loves hunting down the Northern Lights. 


AAA Members

Short Talk Night

Join us tonight for another short talk night. Be entertained by AAA members as they share their own personal favourites, discoveries or poems inspired by space and astronomy. This is always a great night and you never know what you will learn. 


Kirsty Love

*** Due to the Red Weather Warning, tonight's talk has been postponed. ***

Carl Sagan and Me

Carl Sagan visited Glasgow in 1985 and delivered a series of lectures at the University of Glasgow exploring the relationship between science and religion. Tonight AAA member, Kirsty Love, will talk about Carl Sagan's work and her experience of being in the audience in Glasgow.


Dr Christopher Berry

The Secrets of Black Holes

Tonight we are joined by Dr Christopher Berry, Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow and gravitational-wave astronomer. Dr Berry studies what we can learn about astrophysical objects like black holes from their gravity. Join us tonight to learn all about black holes and the secrets that they hold. 

**February 2025**


Kirsty Love

Carl Sagan and Me

Carl Sagan visited Glasgow in 1985 and delivered a series of lectures at the University of Glasgow exploring the relationship between science and religion. Tonight AAA member, Kirsty Love, will talk about Carl Sagan's work and her experience of being in the audience in Glasgow.


Isobel Morrison

Pluto and New Horizons

Tonight Isobel Morrison will be speaking to us about Pluto and the New Horizons space probe. Discover all about the NASA mission to study the dwarf planet, it's moons and other objects in the Kuiper Belt. 


Dr Marcos Pellejero

Dark energy

Join us tonight for a talk from Dr Pellejero who will revise the concept of Dark Energy, how it comes naturally from our scientific ideas of nothingness and why we have sent a telescope to space to get the most precise observations of galaxy positions ever.


Dr Ben Sutlieff

Chasing the Storm: The Search for Weather on Distant Exoplanets with Giant Telescopes

Over the past 60+ years, space probes have revealed the planets of our Solar System to be colourful and complex worlds, with highly diverse atmospheres and weather systems. Now, the largest telescopes on Earth and in space allow us to observe exoplanets, the distant worlds beyond our Solar System. In this talk, Dr Sutlieff will describe how we study exoplanets, what these observations can tell us about their atmospheres and weather, and what it's like to visit and work with professional telescopes. 


Our Friday night meetings are a great opportunity to meet like minded people with an interest in astronomy and spaceflight. Enjoy the weekly space news and a range of guest speakers who are experts in their subjects. We also offer the opportunity for members to give presentations on subjects that interest them. You don't need to be a member to come along.

New members are always very welcome so come along, join in and meet like minded people.

We meet at New Wellwynd Parish Church, Wellwynd, Airdrie ML6 0AG.

7:30 - 8:00pm - Space News 
8:00pm - 8:30pm - Tea Break
8:30pm - 9:30pm - Main Talk

Become an AAA Member

Becoming a member is easy, simply pick up a membership form at any of our weekly meetings.

Benefits of becoming a member include• borrowing books and equipment• opportunity to participate in observing the night sky• access to Airdrie observatory outside library opening hours and many more!


Fees are as follows:

Full Member (Waged / Working) : £15 per annum

Full Member (Unwaged / retired) : £10 per annum

Junior Members (Under 18) : £5 per annum

Family Membership : £25 per annum (Up to 2 Adults and all children under the age of 18)


We ask for a donation towards the room hire of £1.00 from members, £2.00 for visitors, children under 18 are free. We supply tea, coffee, soft drinks and biscuits for the tea break.

“Fantastic time – thanks for your warm hospitality and enthusiasm!.”

Dr Nicolas Labrosse, Glasgow University

"I was hugely impressed with both your meeting (the Space News section was fantastic!) and with the fabulous observatory"


Dr. David McKee, Strathclyde University

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