Welcome to Airdrie Observatory.
Did you know that there are only four public observatories in the United Kingdom? That they are ALL in Scotland? and that Airdrie Observatory is the smallest and the second oldest?
Airdrie Astronomical Association opens the observatory during astronomical events, at open days, for ten evening viewing sessions between November and January and by arrangement for groups wishing to visit.
Follow us on Facebook for all the latest astronomy news and Observatory updates.
AAA operates Airdrie Observatory on behalf of North Lanarkshire Council (NLC).
Meet our curators
Did you know that Airdrie Observatory has had some very famous visitors including three Apollo astronauts, one of which is a Moonwalker!
Visit Walk With Destiny to learn more about these incredible visits, organised by club secretary, Aileen Malone.
Our joint curators William Tennant and Jack Frederick
will be on hand to answer all your questions and show you around the Observatory.
Winter Observing Sessions
Our Winter Observing Sessions are back!
Join us in the Observatory, which is located in Airdrie Library, Wellwynd, use our historic telescope to observe the night sky and meet our curators who will answer your questions and make you feel very welcome.
Our open observing sessions will run on Tuesday evenings from 7th Nov 2023 till 19th Dec inclusive and
9th Jan till 6th Feb 2024 inclusive from 5:30pm - 7pm (last admission 6:45pm)
Our Winter Viewing Sessions Run on Tuesday nights during November, December and January.
Viewing nights are open to the public from 5:30 - 7:00pm (last admission 6:45pm)
So pop in and visit us!
Why not book a visit for your group?
Group visits include a presentation about the Solar System as well as a visit to the Observatory and are a great outing for all ages.
To Book a group visit contact us to reserve your night!
Observatory Calendar
Use our handy Observatory Calendar below to see what nights we have groups booked in, to help you to decide the best night to plan your visit to the Observatory and a handy list of what we might be able to see (weather permitting) at our open observing nights!
Observatory Open nights 2023/2024
7/11/23 - Tonight we will be able to view Saturn and see the stars Deneb, Vega and Altair. The last of the Andromeda meteor shower might be visible. Jupiter will be rising, but will be to low for good seeing conditions.
14/11/23 - Tonight we will be viewing Jupiter, Saturn and Capella, which is a double star.
21/11/23 - Jupiter and Saturn are still visible with Jupiter gaining height from the horizon and getting brighter. We also have a First Quarter moon which should produce good views of craters and surface features.
28/11/23 - This evening we will have a full moon which makes seeing dimmer objects difficult. We will probably use the moon filter to try and pick out some features of the moon. Jupiter ans Saturn will also be visible, but their moons may be difficult to observe due to the bright moon.
5/12/23 - With no moon, the winter constellations are becoming very prominent. Jupiter is getting higher , but Saturn is starting to loose its height and getting nearer the horizon.
12/12/23 - Tonight's observing will be Jupiter and we will be featuring the star Aldebaran in constellation Tauri.
19/12/23 - The last observing session of 2023 and we will get to see Jupiter and the First Quarter moon.
26/12/23 - Observatory Closed
2/1/24 - Observatory Closed
9/1/24 - Tonight we will be observing Jupiter and Betelgeuse
16/1/24 - Jupiter and a Waxing moon will be observed tonight
23/1/24 - This evening we will have a full moon which makes seeing dimmer objects difficult. We will probably use the moon filter to try and pick out some features of the moon. Jupiter will also be visible, but the moons may be difficult to observe due to the bright moon.
30/1/24 - Jupiter, Rigel and Orion nebulae will be observed tonight.
6/2/24 - This will be the last session of the observing season as the sky starts to remain light during the observing session. Jupiter and Orion will be observed tonight and we will try to get a view of the Beehive cluster.
“My husband and daughter visited the observatory on tuesday night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you all so much taking the time with them. My husband has always had an interest but it was great to see my daughter getting excited about it. She went into school the next day and did a small talk about the night.”
Anne S.
Observing some Sun Spots!
Our friendly Telescope team
“Space is EPIC!”
Jude W.
“Sun spots through the telescope onto paper……fantastic!”
Jacquie & Hope Corry
“Enjoyed the stories & seeing the telescope”
Steven Cole
The Chinese mid-Autumn Festival event
“This was terrific, a great big bravo from all of us. We will be back with another group soon. Thanks again.”
2nd Coatbridge Cub Scouts