AAA's Library
We have our very own impressive library of books in the Observatory.
We have books on everything from introduction to astronomy to in-depth astronomy, biographies, maps and catalogues, physics and maths and even an impressive collection of books about Mars kindly donated by Graham Dale, former President of the Mars Society UK.
We are often visited by authors and like to add their books to our collection.
Books are available to borrow free of charge to our members.
AAA Librarians, Joyce and Jack, highlight books of the month at our Friday night meetings to reflect the programme or current space events so see Jack any Friday for more information.

Stars and Planets author Ian Ridpath visits our Observatory. October 2013.
A visit to our observatory from writers, Prof. Chris Reilly and David Woods.
Jack and Joyce, AAA Librarians

Astronomy journalist, author and TV presenter, Will Gater, visited us in 2016

Catherine Smith author of 'The Stars of Robert Burns' visited us on Burns Night 2014.
Mars Society UK former president, Graham Dale has donated his collection of books about the Red Planet.
Gavin at the Chris Hadfield book launch lecture in Edinburgh.

in 2016 we were visited by, Mark Craig, the director and co-producer of the Film, "The Last Man on the Moon", based on the book of the same name by Apollo 17's Gene Cernan